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Below are some "funny" jokes taken from a yahoo club page and the demented minds of the designers of this site. I would like to thank the slave that posted them as well as Kotyk since it was his board. They are a bit lame, but this is the last page, so why be serious now?


Could you ever see the Marx Brothers going Gor?

Groucho speaking to Chico about a slave girl:"You see that one over there?"
Chico looking to the girl:"Yes and a fine girl she is."
Groucho taking the cigar from his lips:"I had her last night." wiggling his eyebrows
Chico looking amazed at Groucho:"There is no way you were with that beautiful girl last night."
Groucho:"Yes her and about 5 others came in my room last night and served me in bed."
Chico:"Ooooooh, I get it, they brought you dinner in bed.."
Groucho:"Oh yes, I ate all night."
Chico:"What did they bring you?"
Groucho:"It was naked slave on a pole."
Chico:"Get out of here!"
Harpo walks up tooting his horn nodding wildly in agreement with Groucho.
Groucho:"Oh yes Harpo came in later and got his horn blown too."
Harpo grinning widely he nods frantically before chasing after a Free Woman walking by.
Chico:"Where was I during all this?"
Groucho as the slave approaches them:"I don't know but I am going back for seconds. Bon Appetite"

© Raven

Hmmmm Maybe not.....

Q: How do you get a one-armed kajira out of a tree?
A: Wave at her.

Q: How many kajirae does it take to screw in an energy bulb?
A: Kajirae screw in alcoves, not energy bulbs.

Q: Why do blonde kajirae have big belly buttons?
A: From serving blonde Masters.

Q: How did the kajira die drinking milk?
A: The bosk fell on her.

Q: What do you call a bosk after it's 6 months old?
A: 7 months old.

Q: What is the best thing to do if you find a sleen in your bed?
A: Sleep somewhere else.

Q: What kind of rocks are at the bottom of the Thassa?
A: Wet ones.

In thanks to Lily A Thorns c/o The Snow_Larl_Inn club board on yahoo

10 Ways for Free Women to Stay Free

1. Use someone else’s name, get her collared and laugh as she spits and sputters explaining how she hasn’t been online.
2. Throw a willing fur slut in the path of the one trying to place a collar on you to avert his attentions.
3. Wear lots of bosk fat on your neck so the collar will slide right off.
4. Wear a sleen fur cape and pray the warrior has bad eyesight and mistakes you for a sleen.
5. Only visit an empty room, and be on your way out anytime another enters the one you are in.
6. Self boot yourself and claim you had computer troubles upon your return.
7. Duck quickly then demurely run like on fire.
8. Claim insanity and acted clueless they will not want you in a collar.
9. Never use the words “hot” “passionately” and such when speaking.
10. Best sweetly and say little in a room. Never giggle.
Mistress Priss

If you would like to suggest some more jokes to add to this page please send them to us
PLEASE no vulgar or rude jokes!

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